The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm ,by President Don Hagopian, with 29 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.
Don Hagopian announced some important dates (listed below) Then he mentioned some issues that were discussed at the commissioners meeting. We had Display Day Sept 12 and sold some hot dogs had some good discussions and fun with fellow airplane junkies and had a good turnout.
Don Hagopian then introduced the
manager at WHP, John Frymyer, who updated us on what was happening.
The following is a list of things
1. American Airports would like
to collect a percentage of all sales of any business on the airport to
discourage people from doing business out of the back of their car.
2. Optimists and EAA Air Fair had
approx 500 visitors with 87 kids getting free rides.
3. Landscaping has started at the
entrance, with trees, ground cover and sprinklers.
4. There were 47 hangar inspections
done but haven’t gotten results yet.
5. We are out of hangars, but if
we find any empty ones, they will then be available.
6. We added 14 more tie-downs,
but haven’t rented them yet, because the electrical and telephone poles
are not done yet
7. New hangars near #31 will have
water reclamation (20 hangars) should be completed in two months.
8. 99’s have volunteered to repaint
the runway markings on Saturday, October 16.
9. Conduit for the new radar will
be ready between Nov-Feb
10. We are closer to getting the
wind tee completed.
John Frymyer then took a few questions
from the audience.
Dave Kolstad, Treasurer, gave his report. Checking account $1900.
Shellie Hagopian, Secretary, gave her report. 170 members and 117 on auxiliary mailing list.
Bill Fenimore, Vice-President, reported that he attended the Air Fair with a booth for WAA and was successful in getting a few more members. He said it was a nice event with a picture essay on our website. Also, the 99’s will be repainting the runway markings on Saturday, October 16 at 9am. Please show up to support the 99’s. WAA will be providing hot dogs for the volunteers.
Treasurer, Dave Kolstad, was in
charge of the 50/50 drawing. We then had our door prize drawing.
Winners were:
50/50 winner - Sol
10 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman
Airport – Mark Hickman
10 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman
Airport – John Clausen
Keychain donated by the Hagopians
– Alan Butki
The meeting was adjourned around
7:40. We had 21 people stay after the meeting to see the Safety Video.
Wednesday, September 29 – Compton
7pm - The Aviation Commission Meeting.
Sunday, October 10 – WHP
Display Day - 10am-2pm
Thursday, October 21 – 7pm -Whiteman
Airport Association, regular membership meeting
Wednesday, October 27 – El Monte
7pm – Aviation Commission Meeting
Thursday, December 9 – Task Force
Meeting 9am WHP Office
CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE – whpsafety.org
Respectfully Submitted,
Hagopian, Secretary
Whiteman Airport Association