Whiteman Airport Association


President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm, with 24 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.

Don Hagopian announced some important dates (listed below) then he reported about the AOPA convention in Long Beach.
Don Hagopian then introduced the manager at WHP, John Frymyer, who updated us on what was happening.
The following is a list of things discussed.
1. They will be starting a Pacoima Rotary Club if anyone is interested.  Their objective is to help the local community e.g. seniors & kids.  There is $150 initiation fee.
2. There have been problems with the Fast Pay at the Fuel Pit.  Warranties are out and we are negotiating a new service contract.
3. Landscaping out front has been completed.
4. New road will start next Monday.  There will be 23 tie-downs lost.
5. Oil Recycling center will be moved to new location, for the time being there is another one at the end of Row C.
6. We will be restriping the taxiways.
7. There is furniture in the Pilot Lounge.  We need airplane models or pictures for the walls.
8. 99’s have repainted the runway markings on Saturday, October 16.
9. There are currently 605 airplanes on the field and 18 visibly non-airworthy aircraft
10. Proposed if anyone would be interested in hangars that are able to house two planes, one on a hoist in where the maintenance person would need to move your airplane in or out.
John Frymyer then took a few questions from the audience.

Dave Kolstad, Treasurer, gave his report. Checking account $1600.

Shellie Hagopian, Secretary, gave her report.  171 members and 117 on auxiliary mailing list.

Bill Fenimore, Vice-President, reported that the new 2005 hangar stickers would be available at the next meeting.  Also, the 99’s repainted the runway markings on Saturday, October 16 and the WAA provided volunteers with a very nice lunch and lots of hot coffee. There were 24 volunteers in all. It was a great day.  Also be aware that the website is constantly being updated.  More volunteers are needed to help with club activities, please step up to the plate and help out.
We have approx. 600 aircraft on the field but only 171 members, do your part to bring in more members.

Ruth Logan reported on Display Day, we took in $60 expenses 20, netted $40.

Dave Kolstad also reported that the Air Rally route has been finalized and is approx. 200 miles, from WHP to WHP.  Tentatively will be held in March.

Don Hagopian announced that our next regular membership meeting would be Thursday, Nov 18, at 7pm.

Treasurer, Dave Kolstad, was in charge of the 50/50 drawing. We then had our door prize drawing.  Winners were:
 50/50 winner  - Jeanne Fenimore
10 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Bill Jarchow
10 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Sol Bruck
1-Quart Oil – donated by Whiteman Airport – Marc Sobel
$5 Gift Certificate from Rock’ys – Skeeter David
Cellular Pilot Book – donated by Cellular Pilot – Doug Rankin
Plexi-Polish – donated by Aeroshell – Bill Logan

The meeting was adjourned around 7:40. We had 17 people stay after the meeting to see the video brought by Doug Rankin on the air museum at Dulles Airport.

Wednesday, October 27 – El Monte 7pm - The Aviation Commission Meeting.
Sunday, November 14 –  WHP Display Day - 10am-2pm
Thursday, October 21 – 7pm -Whiteman Airport Association, regular membership meeting
Wednesday, November 17 – Whiteman  10am – Aviation Commission Meeting
Thursday, December 9 – Task Force Meeting 9am WHP Office

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE – whpsafety.org

      Respectfully Submitted,

      Shellie Hagopian, Secretary
      Whiteman Airport Association

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