Whiteman Airport Association


President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, with 31 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.

Don Hagopian welcomed everyone to the meeting and then announced some important dates (listed below). Don reported on the latest news on the ATIS for Whiteman is delayed until April 2006.President Hagopian also reported that the Air Explorers Pancake Breakfast on Saturday Sept 24, was a great success . Our guest speaker, Brian Terwilliger, Producer-Director  of the movie One-Six Right, had to cancel due to a commitment to appear in Denver to present his movie there.  We will show the trailer of the movie anyway.  He also announced that there will be nominations for Officers for 2006.
Don then introduced the manager at WHP, John Frymyer, who updated us on what was happening.  The following is a list of things discussed.

1. TFR today and tomorrow due to Presidential visit
2. We are roping off an area of the back taxiway for visiting planes that can’t land at VNY or BUR during the TFR
3. There were leaks in the air pumps at the fuel island, it has been fixed
4. Gas prices should be coming down this week
5. There will be a couple of movie shoots here, Oct 28 and Nov 22
6. Due to a stolen aircraft in Florida, TSA was here at WHP to check our security measures
7. FAA came out to look for the aircraft involved in the emergency landing on the freeway
8. 200 hangar inspections were done but there are 70 holdouts, and those locks will be cut.
9. The Wind Tee looks great and is working great.
John Frymyer then took a few questions from the audience.

Treasurer’s Report: $2150 in the treasury.

Secretary’s Report:  230 members.

Vice-Presidents Report:  Bill Fenimore announced that he would not be seeking re-election due to other commitments.  He stated that both Vice-President positions are available. He asked that nominees step forward.  Peter Albiez and Brian Cuneen, both threw there hats in the ring for the two Vice-President positions. As well as present officers, Don Hagopian, President; Shellie Hagopian, Secretary; Dave Kolstad, Treasurer.  Next month will be the election.

Winners of the 50/50 and door prize drawing were as follows
50/50 – Peter Albiez (who donated it back to the club)
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Chris Mazor
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Matt Espiau
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Gilbert Pelaez
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Dave Snyder
1-Quart Oil – donated by Whiteman Airport – Peter Albiez
Cellular Pilot Book – donated by Cellular Pilot – Matt Espiau
Plexi-Polish – donated by Aeroshell – Jerry Hider
Plexus-Plexiglass spray –donated by Dave Snyder – Alan Butki

The meeting was adjourned around 7:45 pm.  After adjournment we showed the DVD Trailer for the movie “One Six Right” . Many stayed to watch. It was an exciting movie with wonderful photography.  There were a lot of interviews with famous and semi-famous people and celebrities.  The DVD was shown on a big screen, thanks to our A/V specialist, Peter Albiez.

Sunday, Oct 23– Display Day @ El Monte 10-2
Wednesday Oct 26 - Aviation Commission Meeting –El Monte at 7pm
Sunday, Nov 6– Display Day @ Santa Paula 10-2
Saturday, Nov 12 – Display Day @ Fox 10-2
Sunday, Nov 13  – Display Day at WHP 10-2
Thursday, Nov 17 - Whiteman Airport Association – General Meeting 7pm at Rocky’s
Saturday Nov 19 – EAA Meeting @ Rocky’s 9:30 am
Sunday, Nov 20-Fly-out to Camarillo with the 99’s-12 noon
Sunday, Nov 20– Display Day @ Brackett 10-2
Saturday, Nov 26 – Young Eagles at WHP 10:30am
Wednesday Nov 30 - Aviation Commission Meeting –WHP at 10am

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE – whpsafety.org

Respectfully Submitted,
Shellie Hagopian, Secretary
Whiteman Airport Association

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