2003 Newsletters

December Newsletter
From the Corporate Office:
Celebrating Aviation!

Okay, history buffs: What is significant about this month in aviation history?  Give up?  Well, this month marks the 100-year anniversary of man’s first powered flight, which lasted about 12 seconds.  The pilot?  Orville Wright, of course, who, along with his brother, Wilbur, had worked rigorously for 4 years to build a machine in which man could experience “free, controlled and sustained” flight.  The historic flight took place in Kitty Hawk, NC on December 17, 2003.  Though the brothers lived in Dayton, OH, they chose Kitty Hawk because the US Weather Bureau told them the city had the steadiest and most reliable winds.

Small-town businessmen by trade, the Wright brothers became interested in aviation in 1894 after McClure’s Magazine published an article illustrating Germany’s Otto Lilienthal’s achievements as a pioneer in the field of aviation.  Upon learning of Lilienthal’s untimely death after the glider he was piloting abruptly stalled and crashed, the Wright brothers were inspired to figure out what Lilienthal’s glider lacked that was needed to sustain safe flight.  They ultimately determined that the mechanism to control the glider was inadequate, thus leading them to create wing warping.

The Wright brother’s original “aeroplane” is now housed at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC.  We hope you enjoyed your history lesson!  Happy Holidays!


Airport Security

The main airside access gate at WHP will be locked 24 hours a day beginning January 15, 2004.  Please stop by the Airport Office and get your gate card if you do not have one yet.  In order to ensure that the FBOs’ customers continue to be able to access the facilities, I will need a phone number from each FBO that clients can call when they need to be let in.  You will be able to punch in a code from your phone’s keypad to unlock the gate.  I will call or visit each of you to get this information.  For all users, if you are locked out or forget your gate card, please call the main office of the fuel phone line for assistance.

Controllers’ Corner:

Season’s Greetings to All!  With the winter weather setting in and the associated increase in Runway 30 usage, we would like to ask for help in expediting the flow of ground movement.  Whenever possible, we would appreciate it if you used the back ramp to taxi to Runway 30.  This helps aircraft exiting the runway to do so sooner.  Also, for the IFR departures, pleas call the tower frequency – 135.0 – from the run-up area before taxiing all the way down to the runway.  We can then call SoCal TRACON and ask for an estimated departure time, which should help prevent the runway from becoming blocked to VRF aircraft.

Good News: The tower has finally been cleared for visitors by the FAA and Serco!  There are some restrictions, though.  For instance, there must be two or more tower personnel present in the tower for any visitors to be allowed.  Therefore, due to our staffing levels, we recommend trying to visit the tower between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.  We know the visits can be educational and a great tool for both pilots and controllers.  We look forward to seeing you all again soon…just not all at once!

Happy Holidays!

The Tower Crew (whptower@aol.com / 818-896-5555)

Letter from the Manager:

Calling for Fuel:  When calling for fuel, please remember to use either the Unicom Frequency (122.95) or the new fuel phone number (818-312-2911).  You should only call the administration office if you don’t get a response from either the Unicom or the fuel line.

WHP Security Passes:  Please stop by the office any day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to get your WHP security pass.  The cost is $5 for the first pass and $3 for each additional one.  Remember to bring your proof of insurance, license plate number and a valid driver’s license when you come in.  In the interest of security and safety, all vehicles without passes will be stopped.  Please help us identify people who do not belong on our airport by displaying your pass when you are airside of the entry gate.

Hangar Maintenance: If you are in Hangar Row C, please contact airport management about allowing the operations staff to check out the springs and doors on your hangar.  If your hangar is located on the even side (2, 4, 6, etc.), please be available on January 10, or leave us your key.  If you hangar is located on the odd side (3, 5, 7, etc.), please be available on January 11, or leave us your key.

FAA Monthly Seminars

The CAP has volunteered its training room for our first FAA safety seminar, which will be held monthly.
The topic of the first seminar will be: FAA Simplifies Airspace.  The seminar will be held on Thursday, February 5 from 7 – 9 p.m. in the CAP training / meeting room.  The speaker will be David Voelker, a VNY FAA Instructor.  Please contact K. Wattier at (818) 904-6291, ext. 246 if you have any questions relating to the seminar. Thank you CAP!!!!!!!!!
Operating Safely at WHP: Considering the recent number of aircraft incidents that we have experienced at WHP, I thought it might be incumbent upon all of us to stop and reflect on operating safely when we fly or prepare a flight plan.

This issue is very important to me.  I have been part of seven military crash investigations, have taken many courses in flight safety and physiology and have helped draft three military crash investigation findings reports.  So, please read carefully what I have to say regarding the importance of operating safely and knowing your limitations, and seriously consider it the next time you get ready for a flight.

Part I: Our Comfort Zone

1. Even if you do not file a flight plan, you should have a mental image of what you are going to do, where you will be doing it, and what tools you will need to get to and from your destination safely (i.e. skills, weather info, qualifications, CURRENT charts, etc, etc).
2. The most important thing a pilot should know to operate safely is what his or her own true skills really are. If you are not comfortable in certain weather conditions, admit it, and think through your flight path before you begin.  Consider everything that could occur and how to handle it before it is too late to think about options.  Think a few miles/minutes ahead, and recognize when you are starting to reach the edge of your comfort and safety zone.  Ask: When was the last time I did this? Are there any special tricks to landing this plane in these weather conditions? Do I have the current weather info? If you are nervous, that is a clear sign that you may not be skilled enough to do what you are about to try.

3. The paperwork - No job is complete until the paperwork is done. Ask a couple questions:  Am I current? Signed off? Make sure that you are covered in case something happens.

Next Month: Part II – The impact a simple mistake can have on our airport and our community.


I wish everyone a SAFE & happy holiday season!  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I can be reached at the Airport Office or via email.


John Frymyer, Airport Manager
T: 818-896-5271 / F: 818-897-2654
Calendar of Events

FAA Safety Seminar

Thursday, February 5th
7:00 p.m. @ the CAP Training Room
Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.
WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of each month
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


November Newsletter

From the Corporate Office:

Last month, AAC implemented a separate fuel pricing system for self-service fuel at all of the Los Angeles County airports.

The self-service price is independent of the full-service price, and will be adjusted autonomously based on a number of
factors, including product cost, competition and demand. The full-service and self-service price may not always be $0.10 apart, as they were at the inception of the program. Sometimes they may be closer together or further apart.
Did you know that every time you purchase a gallon of fuel from one of the Los Angeles County airports, you are
helping to improve the airport at the same time? AAC pays a fuel flowage fee to the County on every gallon sold at the
airports. This money is then reinvested into the airports and helps fund many special projects and airport improvements.
Though this practice may slightly increase the fuel prices over other competing airports, the fuel flowage fee helps
ensure continued quality operations and future improvements at the five Los Angeles County airports. Buying fuel from
your airport is an easy and effective way for you to help preserve and support your airport!
Aircraft for Sale
American Airports Corporation has two aircraft that are for sale:
2) T-28
Please contact Dana Rodda at the Corporate Office if you are interested in purchasing either
aircraft or if you would like to request additional information.
T: (310) 752-0550
Controllers’ Corner:

Well, winter - - and its associated bad weather - - has finally arrived in Southern California. We would like to remind you all to check the NOTAMs prior to flying. As the fires and flash floods of the past few weeks have shown us, TFRs and unfriendly weather conditions can pop up and change on a day-to-day basis.  Also, with an election year fast approaching, there

will most certainly be presidential and VIP movements. These can also be causes for TFRs.  So, keep your eyes peeled for anything that may affect your flight!  As always, if you have any questions for the tower, we can be reached at whptower@aol.com or by phone at (818) 896-5555.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
The Tower Crew


Letter from the Manager:

Calling for Fuel: When calling for fuel, please remember to use either the Unicom Frequency (122.95) or the new fuel phone number (818-312-2911). You should only call the administration office if you don’t get a response from either the Unicom or the fuel line.  WHP Security Passes: Please stop by the office any day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to get your security pass. The cost is $5 for the first pass and $3 for each additional one. Remember to bring your proof of insurance, license plate number and a valid driver’s license when you come in. In the interest of security and safety, effective November 15, all vehicles without passes will be stopped. Please help us identify people who do not belong on our airport by displaying your pass when you are airside of the entry gate.

Hangar Maintenance: If you are in Hangar Row B, please contact us about allowing the operations staff to check out the springs and doors on your hangars. If your hangar is located on the even side (2, 4, 6, etc.), please be available

on December 6, or leave us your key. If your hangar is on the odd side (1, 3, 5, etc.), please be available on December 7, or leave us your key.  We will replace what we can and order the items that we do not have in stock. I thank you, in advance, for helping me keep your hangars in good working order. Each month, we will pick a row of hangars to concentrate our efforts on. We will go in order, i.e. C row in January, D row in February, and so on. We will also respond to anyone who has a problem that needs immediate attention.
Leaseholder Request: (for M&D Hangars, Argubright Construction, California Hangars, Meglyn, Erect-A-Tube, Clinton Beyerle, and Hartman Hangars) I am trying to ensure that WHP’s based aircraft count is correct and up-todate.  I am hoping that the above mentioned leaseholders will assist me by forwarding me the following: list of tenants, tail numbers or type of
business, and contact information for the tenants.  I also want to make sure that all of the aircraft based at Whiteman have the correct insurance coverage as dictated by standard lease agreements and Title 19 (19.04.620 and 19.04.610)  All of this information will help us to ensure that the monthly report we send to the County is as up to date as possible. It will also help us contact tenants in the event of an emergency.  Aircraft Owners and Operators: Since it is almostthe end of the year, I would like to update the information I have on which aircraft are operating out of Whiteman Airport. If you have changed your
aircraft and haven’t notified airport management, please email me or stop by the office and let me know your parking location, the type of aircraft you operate, and the N-number. It would also be helpful if you could bring or send me a copy of your
insurance certificate.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached
at the Airport Office or via email.
John Frymyer, Airport Manager
T: 818-896-5271
F: 818-897-2654
Calendar of Events
----Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch
3rd Thursday of each month Noon
----Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s 7:00 p.m.
----WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of each month
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

October Newsletter

From the Corporate Office:

AAC is in the process of developing a new fuel pricing structure at all of its Los Angeles County airports that will provide a more competitive fuel price at the airports’ self-service fuel pumps.  As soon as the

new pricing structure system is in place, the fuel prices at all of the airports will be adjusted accordingly.  We anticipate the change happening within the next few weeks.

We hope that the separate pricing structure will offer our customers more alternatives when purchasing fuel from our airports.


Projects @ WHP

Grounds and ramp upkeep is aggressively underway at the airport.

Special Event

The October safety meeting was held on October 20 due to the holiday on October 13. Normally, the meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at noon in the WHP Admin Office conference room.

Controllers’ Corner:

Well, winter is almost upon us again, so we all need to be aware of the weather surrounding us.

For those of you using Special VFR, please refresh yourselves with the proper procedures if you haven't flown in Special VFR in a while. Remember that the controllers cannot solicit your Special VFR request; we need to hear the words "Special VFR" in your request.  We need to be certain that you are familiar with the rules.  If you hear us saying, “Whiteman is IFR - say type of request,” that is all the prompting that we can legally give you.

We have also been noticing lately that some pilots are calling for take off from the run-up area.  To help us out, please take the initiative and pull up to the hold short lines or get in line if there is more than one aircraft ready for departure and call from there.  When runway 30 is in use, we will make the determination depending on the traffic load, so please call us prior to taxiing up to runway 30. That end of the airport is pressed for space.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at whptower@aol.com or call the tower.  Thanks!

-The Tower Crew

Letter from the Manager

Calling for Fuel:  When calling for fuel, please remember to use either the Unicom frequency (122.95) or the new fuel phone number (818.312.2911).  You should only call the administration office if you get no response from either the Unicom or the fuel line.

WHP Security Passes: The new hanging passes have arrived.  Please stop by the office any day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to get your pass.  The cost is $5 for the first pass and $3 for each additional one.  Remember to bring your proof of insurance, license plate number and a valid driver’s license when you come in. In the interest of security and safety, effective November 15, all vehicles without passes will be stopped.  Please help us identify people who do not belong on our airport by displaying your pass when you are on the air side of the entry gate.

1st Annual Air Show and Display Day:  WHP’s 1st Annual Air Show & Display Day was held on September 20.  We had over 50 booths (5 with food) and an estimated 1,500+ attendees.  The CAP provided security support and kept our displayed aircraft very safe.  We were blessed with a Hellcat display and a few other war birds that helped attract many people to the event.  Some people saw the Hellcat in the pattern and just came out to get a closer look.  Many kids also got a chance to fly thanks to the EAA.

Without the help of quite a few people here at WHP, this event would not have been the success that it was.  We hope the event remains strong in the coming years.  In the meantime, I would like to have a Warbird Display Day at WHP in the next 6 months if there is interest in our community to do so.  Please let me know how you feel about the idea.

Hero’s Corner:  Many thanks to John Carpenter, Boyd Bailey, Steve Argubright, Sheriff Tom Garagliano, Jim Stirwalt and the war bird group, the CAP and everyone else who helped to make the 1st Annual Air Show / Display Day event possible.  Your hard work and support made the event a success.

Unauthorized Vehicle Parking on the Airfield:  Quite a few unauthorized vehicles are still parked at WHP, both on the air side and in the parking lot.  If you have a vehicle that you do not use, please do not use the airport as a storage lot for your extra cars.  All vehicles circulating or parked on the airfield must have valid plates, tags and insurance.  If you have a vehicle parked in the parking lot, please come and see me.  We will tow all vehicles on the airport that appear to be abandoned.

FAA Seminars:  We have a great opportunity to get the FAA to give safety and other seminars at Whiteman Airport.  We are still looking for someone to allow us to hold seminars in their hangar. We will need chairs, a few tables and maybe some heat for the colder days ahead.  If this sounds appealing to you, please contact me so that we can get our first seminar underway as quickly as possible.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I can be reached at the Airport Office or via email.


John Frymyer, Airport Manager
Calendar of Events
WHP Safety Committee
2nd Monday of each month
Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch
3rd Thursday of each month
Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.
WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of each month
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

September Newsletter

AAC in Action:

As many of you may know, AAC operates Henderson Field Airport on the historic Midway Island.  On September 4, AAC’s staff has to respond to a Lockheed L1011 that was experiencing serious engine problems and diverting to Midway Island for an emergency landing.  The crew’s handling of the situation impressed everyone on the island, including the L1011 pilots.  AAC management is very proud of the actions of its Midway co-workers.


Projects @ WHP

Grounds and ramp upkeep is aggressively underway at the airport.

Special Event

Calendar Alert: On September 20, the EAA and the Optimists held a special display day event at Whiteman Airport.   We hope that everyone who attended enjoyed the food, live music and the aircraft that were on display.

Calendar of Events

Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch

3rd Thursday of each month
Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.
WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of every month
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Letter from the Manager

Calling for Fuel:  When calling for fuel, please remember to use either the Unicom frequency (122.95) or the new fuel phone number (818.312.2912).  You should only call the administration office if you get no response from either the Unicom or the fuel line.

WHP Security Passes: Management has noticed that the dashboard Flightline pass has faded from view very fast.  At the last WAA meeting, it was suggested that we use a pass that can hang from the rearview mirror of a car and be transferable from car to car.  I felt this was a great idea and have decided to take the dashboard passes out of service in exchange for a hanging pass.   Each initial hanging pass will cost $5; subsequent passes will cost $3.  Passes are now available for you to purchase.  In the interest of security, we will begin stopping everyone who does not have a pass on November 1st.

Survey:  If you have not filled out the LA County surveys, please do so immediately. Stop by the counter in the Airport Office to pick one up.  Your opinion is important and will help to make the airport better.

Hero’s Corner:  I wish to apologize for last month’s typo: our hero’s name is Boyd Bailey, not Floyd.  This month, I would like to thank Steve Argubright for his continual support of the airport.  There are many things that Steve does quietly around the airport that benefit us all.  Thanks, Steve!

Safety Committee:  We had a Safety Committee meeting on September 12 at noon in the WHP conference room.  A representative from the FAA and three other participants attended.  I hope to have more participation as time goes on.  At the meeting, we spoke about the rotating beacon, vehicle parking and delivery vehicle speeds.

Unauthorized Vehicle Parking on the Airfield:  We have identified a number of vehicles with expired tags on airport property.   A car is not allowed to be driven on the airfield if it has illegal tags and/or no insurance.  We will notify the local police to have the vehicle removed from the airport.  I believe that enforcing this rule benefits the entire community.  Please renew your registration!

Also, the airport is not a parking lot for extra vehicles someone has no room for at their house.  Please do not bring vehicles onto the airport and park them here for storage.  Secondly, according to L.A. County Ordinance 99-79, “no maintenance on motor vehicles will be accomplished on the airport.”  As an exception, we will allow you to do minimal repairs on a vehicle so that it can be moved off of airport property.

Safe Taxiing Speeds: I was asked what the maximum taxiing speed is at WHP.  The actual answer is “the safest speed for the taxiing of the aircraft.”  Since there is no set speed limit for taxiing aircraft, it falls upon the pilot to use his/her judgment of his/her capabilities, the stopping abilities of the aircraft, and the current environment around the aircraft while taxiing.

Speeding on the Operations Side of the Airport:  Please watch your speed when on airport property.  On Saturday, September 6, the LACPD stopped two motorcycles drag racing on the back ramp. Their speeding was a grave safety concern for our community.  The motorcyclists may lose their licenses and could lose their bikes.

The following day, LACPD caught someone doing 55 mph leaving the parking lot and cited them.  Please drive at a safe speed

Paying Rent on Time:  After being at Whiteman since February of this year, I have noticed many people try to pay their rent as close to midnight on the 15th as possible.  This creates a problem for the accounting department, my staff and me.

Customers are given a price break on their rent for paying their rent on time.  Rent is due on the 1st of each month.  Beginning October 1st, we will accept the rent as being “on time”, thus qualifying for the discounted rate, only if it is received before 5 pm on the 15th.  It is easy to make the rent on time if you put it in the mail before the 10th of each month.

FAA Seminars:  We have a great opportunity to get the FAA to give safety and other seminars at Whiteman.  To do this, we will need someone to allow us to use their hangar for the duration of the class.  We will need chairs, a few tables, and maybe some heat for the colder days ahead.  If this sounds appealing to you, please contact me so that we can get our first seminar underway as quickly as possible.

Performing Maintenance and / or Flight Instruction at WHP:  All hangar leases state what can and cannot be done legally in hangars, as do the FARs.  I am asking that every person who does maintenance please bring in a copy of their FAA Certificate authorizing them to do the work.  I will keep the copy in a file at the Airport Office for future reference.

There are also a few people who give flight lessons or instrument training in their aircraft or in other person’s aircraft.  Please bring a copy of your FAA Certificates showing that you are authorized to do that type of training to the Airport Office.

September 20th Airshow/Display Day Event:
The first annual Optimists/EAA/Whiteman Airshow was held on Saturday, September 20.  The theme of this year’s event was “100 Years of Flight,” denoting the 100-year anniversary of the Wright Brother’s first flight.

The event featured a few Warbirds, many classic Autos, games, and food booths.

The EAA offered free airplane rides to kids ages 8 to 18, and Steve Argubright displayed his newest hangar design concept that featured a new hangar door opening system.

I would like to thank the LACSD and the CAP cadets for providing security throughout the day.  I would also like to thank everyone who came out and supported the event.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I can be reached at the Airport Office or via email.


-John Frymyer, Airport Manager

August Newsletter

Welcome, Curt Castagna!

We would like to welcome and introduce to all of our staff, tenants, and airport users, Mr. Curt Castagna, the Los Angeles County Aviation Commission's newest Board member.

Appointed to the Commission earlier this year, Mr. Castagna is a seasoned veteran to aviation, both on the ground and in the air. With over 25 years in the aircraft service industry, Mr. Castagna has risen in the ranks from providing line service to currently heading up the Aerolease Group, a successful organization that owns and operates three aviation facilities in Southern California. He is active in the local business community, and serves the aviation community in local, state and national capacities. He is a board member of a few aviation-related organizations, and served for nine years as a Mayor-appointed Commissioner to the Long Beach Airport Advisory Commission.

Mr. Castagna holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Public Administration, with an emphasis in Transportation; is an Adjunct Professor for CSULA's Aviation Management Program; and is a licensed Private, Instrument and Commercial-rated pilot with 1500 hours total flying time.


• The LADPW has issued a survey regarding the management & operations of its airports.  To access the survey online, go to http://ladpw.org/avi/survey.  AAC encourages all airport users to participate.

• Grounds and ramp upkeep is aggressively underway.

• Calendar Alert: On September 20, the EAA and the Optimists will hold a special display day event at Whiteman Airport.  Please come out and support this great event.  We are hoping for up to 3,000 visitors.  There should be several classic vehicles and aircraft, as well as a half-size model of the Wright Flyer.

From the Controllers’ Corner

Good Day, Everyone!

There are a couple of things that we would like to emphasize this month.  First, we cannot stress the importance of checking the NOTAMs for the local area before you takeoff.  We have had some recent incidents with TFR's and pilots.

Also we would like to reiterate that when you are instructed to follow an aircraft, you do not yet have clearance to land.  Please do not assume that you are cleared to land until you are cleared because sometimes the landing sequence changes.

Please be safe and enjoy your flight.

Letter from the Manager

The kids are back to school and the heat is on…Happy August!!!

When calling for fuel, please remember to use the Unicom frequency (122.95) or call (818) 262-1313.  If you call the office, we may be out and you may not get your fuel in a timely manner.

In the interest of security, we are now aggressively issuing the Flightline authorization pass.  The pass can be supplied by me or by my new assistant manager, Jaime Jaquez.  Remember to bring the license number and proof of insurance for each vehicle that you intend to get a pass for.  We will start stopping people who do not have the pass and ask them where they are going.  It is possible that we may also follow unidentified vehicles to insure that they are going where they indicated.

If you haven’t filled out the LA County airport survey, please do so ASAP.  Your responses will help to make WHP a better place.  Please stop by the Airport office if you haven’t received a survey and pick one up from the counter.  Your opinion does count, and, negative or positive, it can only help.

Hero’s Corner:  I want to personally thank Floyd Bailey for his help in removing a disabled aircraft from the runway.  When an aircraft came in and its gear collapsed, Floyd came out with his forklift and assisted WHP personnel in removing the aircraft from the runway.  He helped us get the airfield operational again in minimal time.  Floyd would not accept any money for lending us a hand.  People with his high dedication to our community should not go unnoticed.  Our community could not survive without volunteerism.  When you see Floyd the next time, give him a vote of thanks for his true citizenship and outstanding job supporting his community.

Safety Committee.  I would like to get a safety committee started again. The first meeting will be held in the WHP Administration Conference Room at 12 noon on Monday, September 8.  Please stop by and contribute if you can.

Hangar Waiting Lists:  If your name is on the hangar waiting list, please stop by the office and fill out a new waiting list form and drop off your $100 deposit.  If you do not contact Jaime or me by September 15, we will be forced to remove your name from the list.  When you fill out the new form, you will be left in the same position as before.  Currently, there are over 180 people on the list.  We need to find out who really wants a hangar and who is just on the list.

LA County Police Department Patrols: The LACPD is now officially patrolling WHP. Over the last month, they were out here to familiarize themselves with the airport and our standard operations.  Now they are here officially under a contract to patrol at various hours during the week, 7 days per week.  I hope their presence provides a deterrence from crime and a greater sense of safety and security for our community.

Airport Development:  Over the course of the next year, WHP is going to see a great deal of construction.  There is a lease in process for the property next to Hangar 31.  There should be some low cost storage hangars built on that plot of ground soon.  Just southwest of that is another small piece of land where some commercial hangars might go.   I hope to see another 50-60 affordably priced hangars built here at WHP with electricity and restrooms to help you all find the hangar you want to rent.


-John Frymyer, Airport Manager
 Calendar of Events
Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch
3rd Thursday of each month
Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.
WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of every month
10 a.m.  to 2 p.m.

July Newsletter
From the Desk of the COO:


When American Airports Corporation assumes the management responsibility of any airport, we dedicate ourselves to providing a high level of operational expertise and service to both the users of the airport and the owners.  We strive to strike a proper balance between the needs of the two parties.  In each management contract, AAC has differing

responsibilities, which dictate AAC’s level of financial investment as well as control over strategic decisions.
However, one aspect that is consistent in every contract is AAC’s responsibility to collect fees, and enforce lease agreements and all rules and regulations.  Refreshingly, the majority of our nearly 2,000 tenants understand their leases and the rules and regulations, and abide by them.  Unfortunately, there are some who ignore management, their leases and the rules.
These people speed, overload the dumpsters with personal items, vandalize the bathrooms, don’t pay their rent on time, freeload in tie down spaces, park illegally, run non-permitted businesses out of their hangars, and steal utilities from airport sources. It is also these same people who complain the most when attempts are made to enforce leases and the rules and regulations.
PLEASE DON’T BE A FREE LOADER OR RULE BREAKER!  Help your airport managers by reporting any violators.  AAC will take the necessary steps through warnings, fines and/or evictions to rid the airports of these people.  Only with your assistance and cooperation will AAC be able to improve the quality of the operations at your airport.
-Kris Thabit, COO



Projects @ WHP

---Grounds and ramp upkeep is aggressively underway.

---The new access road off of Pierce Street to the Tower is almost complete.

---Don’t forget that the EAA has its fly-in day on the second Sunday of each month.

---Another calendar alert: On September 20, the EAA and the Optimists will hold a special display day event at Whiteman Calendar of Events.  Stay tuned for more details.

Calendar of Events

Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch

3rd Thursday of each month
Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.
WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of each month
10 a.m.  - 2 p.m.
Letter from the Manager

June flew by and July is almost gone!!!

The summer months are in full swing and the heat is high.

When calling for fuel, please remember to use the Unicom frequency (122.95) or call (818) 262-1313.  If you call the office, we may be out and you may not get your fuel in a timely manner.

We have issued 130 of the new flightline passes, so please come by and get yours.  They can be issued by me or by my new assistant manager, Jaime Jaquez.  Remember to bring the license number and proof of insurance for each vehicle you intend to get a pass for.

The Beacon is still up and running, so I guess our adjustment worked.  I have heard from quite a few people that the beacon is visible, as it should be.

With this intense heat, please remember to stay hydrated and take in plenty of water when out there on the ramp.  Stay safe and keep your body hydrated.

Safety Committee.  I would like to get a safety committee started again.  This would be open to all, and is independent of the WAA.  I would like participation from everyone who would care to come up with any safety ideas.  You can start by sending your ideas to me via email:  jfrymyer@americanairports.net.  I will let you know as soon as I can when our first meeting will be.  Safety at the airport affects all of us, so please take the time and participate if you can.


We have now instituted a new hangar waiting list procedure.  We are asking that everyone that was on the old list come in and give us a fully refundable $100 deposit to remain on the list.  The new policy in a few words:  A person will pay a $100 deposit to go on the list.  When they are called, they can take the hangar offered, refuse it and go to the bottom of the list, or ask for their deposit back and to be taken off  the list.  The deposit is 100% refundable at all times.  The idea of the deposit is to have the list move.  Currently, we have a lot of people on the list who continually pass on hangars, lengthening the process for everyone.

I was told that in the old days there was no list.  If a hangar became available, the first one into the admin office got the hangar.  This free-for-all seems unfair to me.  A list allows everyone to compete fairly for an available space.

Recycling Container:  Within the next few weeks, we will have a recycling container placed in front of “E” or “F” row.  Once it is there, please use it.  It will be great for the environment and for all of us.

Paragraph 12 of your lease is a very important section that everyone on the airport should be aware of.  If you have a chance, please give it a once over. Due to space constraints, I just can’t put all of it here in this space.

Speed Limits

Please remember to drive on the correct side of the Double Yellow lines (the side without the Yellow Taxiway Line) and please watch your speed.  Per Title 19, Section 19.04.950, speed limits at the airport are 25 mph on roadways and 10 mph around hangars and passenger loading areas.
Finally, please be considerate of your neighbors out here and respect their space (do not park your aircraft or vehicle where you are not supposed to).



-John Frymyer, Airport Manager


June Newsletter
From the Desk of the COO:
I heard that Southwest Airlines is beginning service at Fox…I heard that Whiteman Airport was going to be closed and redeveloped for real estate…I heard that….
One of the areas of this business that always seems to remain consistent is the number of rumors and incredible stories that seem to swirl around the
airports.  In the last month alone, I have heard that I have been promoted, demoted, and relocated…that our company has been successful and under investigation by the FBI…that our owner is wealthy and penniless…that our master plan at Lakefront Airport in New Orleans is to run the users off the airport and then make a lot of money (how does that work??!).  These are only a few morsels, and I haven’t even mentioned the things that have been said about my co-workers.
Are these rumors true? Of course…I heard from a friend who knows!
Most of the time, I laugh and ignore the gossip.  However, each time, I wonder what motivates people to talk about issues they know nothing about.  It is also upsetting when the comments are slanderous.  On occasion, we have actually had to consider legal action.
Gossiping and spreading rumors is beneficial to no one.  If you want an honest answer to a question, ask the manager.  GO TO THE SOURCE!  If our managers don’t have an answer, they know how to follow up and get one.  We have nothing to hide from our airport communities, and we are happy to answer any questions so that it is the gospel that is spread and not gossip.
-Kris Thabit, COO



Projects @ WHP

The Heights/Old Town drainage project is finished.

The new access road off of Pierce Street to the Tower is almost complete.

Don’t forget that the EAA has its fly-in day on the second Sunday of each month.

Another calendar alert: On September 20, the EAA and the Optimists will hold a special Display Day event at Whiteman Airport.  Stay tuned for more details.

Letter from the Manager

June is flying by!!!

The County has completed the heights/old town water drainage project.  There will be some follow-up work to fix the project.

When calling for fuel, please remember to use the Unicomm frequency (122.95) or call (818) 262-1313.  If you call the office, we may be out and you may not get your fuel in a timely manner.

Please come by the administration office to get your Flightline Authorization Pass.  You will need to have your vehicle license number with you so that we can put it on the pass.

The green lens on the rotating beacon is back again.  I adjusted the reflector to the proper angle so that it does not shine down on the ground.  Hopefully, it will remain up and operational!


There are quite a few people on the hangar waiting lists.  Please do not despair.   There are plans in the works to construct more hangars so that we can meet the demand at our airport.  Presently, it takes about 9 months to get a T-hangar and over a year to get anything larger.  AAC is also in the processing of drafting a new waiting list policy to help expedite the process for those people who are serious about renting a hangar.


In an effort to ensure that everyone on the airport is familiar with certain LA County hangar lease requirements, I would like to go over some of the sections, in particular Section 19(a):


“(a) If Licensee desires to engage or use the services of a third person in connection with any aircraft work or repair other than at repair facilities established at the Airport, Licensee shall give written notice to Manager of such intention and must secure a permit from the Manager prior to commencement of any work. The notice to the Manager shall state the name, address, and qualifications of such person, and the Manager shall have the sole discretion as to whether to issue such a permit as well as to withdraw said permit or otherwise order work by the third party to cease at any time prior to or after the commencement of the work.  This shall not limit the aircraft owner or pilot's right to do work on his or her own aircraft as permitted by the Federal Aviation Regulations in areas on the airport designated in writing by Manager.”

The purpose of this permit clause is to help management identify businesses on the airfield and then maintain a competitive and safe business environment for everyone.  If you plan on using the services of any person/business at Whiteman Airport, please remember that it is your responsibility to check the credentials and qualifications of the individual or company.

Finally, in an effort to help me maintain a fair business environment at the airport, please feel free to report any business/individual that you feel is operating illegally, and I will investigate the situation.

Other issues:  If you are interested in a mailbox at WHP, please send me an email with your name and requirements.


-John Frymyer, Airport Manager

 Calendar of Events
Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch
3rd Thursday of each month
Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.
 WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of every month
10 a.m.  to 2 p.m.

May Newsletter


On-Going Projects @ WHP

The “heights” standing water solution has been postponed.

The new access road to the tower off of Pierce Street is almost complete T-Hangar up-keep.

Don’t forget that the EAA has its fly-in day on the second Saturday of each month.

Letter from the Manager

Howdy All!!!

Keeping in line with some of my promises, we received our Tenant Sweeper this week and have started the much-needed cleanup.  Let us know if we miss anything.

I am still requesting that you send me your email addresses.  If you don’t mind, you can print your email addresses on your next rent notice and we can start the process of keeping you up to date at a much faster pace

The drainage project that the county was working on for the Heights was postponed.  I do not have a new start date but am told that it should be before the end of summer.

The dirt area behind Vista and Sun Quest will be paved at the same time as Lake Heights, and the T-Hangars will then be moved.

When calling for fuel, please remember to use the Unicomm frequency --122.95-- or call (818) 262-1313.  If you call the office, we may be out and you may not get your fuel in a timely manner.


The county recently sent out some engineers to survey the airport for the purpose of adding more cameras.  This should be done in the next 3 months.

I am instituting the Whiteman Airport Flightline Authorization Pass.  I hope each of you will support me on this one.  It is an easy way to determine if we have people out on the field who don’t belong there.  I will work on a guest pass as soon as I am able to.

For now, we will be asking people without the pass who they are, where they are going and will also be taking down their info to keep track of people on the field. The passes should be available June 1.  Each authorized airport user will be issued a pass from my office.  You will leave it on your car’s dash while on the airfield side.  This makes it easier for us to discover abandoned or unauthorized vehicles on the Airport.  The pass will be mandatory and easy to see from a distance.


The green lens on the rotating beacon is out again.  We have lost two lenses in 3 days.  We are 99.9% sure now that the lens is being shot out.  I am working on a solution to the problem.  My thoughts are to put PlexiGlass in front of the lens or some other type of shielding.  The shielding around the tower facing San Fernando Road is harder to implement, due to high winds that can blow it down and cause serious damage or become a safety hazard.  Relocating it is another option I am considering.


I have received few requests for hangar maintenance. Please email me (jfrymyer@americanairports.net) or send me a letter listing the items that need repair in your hangar.  Once I have a complete list of things I need to fix, we can start scheduling a row per week for hangar repairs.  This is the perfect time to get those loose doors, squeaky springs and the like taken care of.

Please contact me if you have any questions or if you have not yet introduced yourself.

John Frymyer
Airport Manager

Calendar of Events

Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch
3rd Thursday of each month

Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.

WHP Display Day
2nd Sunday of every month
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

LA County Aviation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, May 28 @ Whiteman Airport
9:00 a.m.

March Newsletter
From the Desk of the HR Manager:

Neighborhood Watch

American Airports would like to announce its inaugural AAC Neighborhood Watch Program.   Whiteman Airport in Pacoima, CA has kicked off the AAC Neighborhood Watch pilot program.  If you are a tenant, user or neighbor of Whiteman Airport and are interested in participating, please contact Erin Szymanski or John Frymyer @ 818-896-5271.  We are looking to rollout the AAC Neighborhood Watch Program at all of our LA County Airports this year.  If you are interested or have ideas for a Neighborhood Watch Program at your LA County airport, please contact the Airport Manager.


American Airports would also like to announce its first Adopted School under the new AAC Adopt-A-School Program, Pacoima Elementary in Pacoima, CA.  AAC has helped in the fundraising for the 5th grade graduating class.  The funds raised will go towards their graduation trip to Sea World this summer.  In addition, AAC participated in the National Dr. Seuss Read Across America Day.  AAC volunteers donated time to read books to Kindergartners.

We look forward to reaching out to all of our local airport communities. If you have any ideas about how AAC and you can enrich your community, please contact your local Airport Manager.

Thank you,
Mellisa McNulty
HR Manager


Fire Extinguisher Inspections

On Tuesday, April 15, fire extinguishers at WHP will be inspected and serviced.  We ask that all tenants turn in their fire extinguishers to the Airport Office by Monday, April 14.

Please mark your fire extinguisher with your name and airport location so that we can return it to you.  You should also make sure that you get a receipt when you turn one in so that you can prove that you actually did turn one in for maintenance, should there be a question later on.

WHP Business Corner

--Michael D. Boolen Aviation—

At Whiteman Airport since 1984, Boolen Aviation has worked on many projects for this airport and the other County airports.  Mike Boolen, the owner, and his staff have done electrical installation consulting for construction and aviation purposes, have constructed three automated and manual light service stations in southern California, and have done technical work on government and military installations throughout the Mid-West.

Boolen Aviation is located next to Rocky’s.  As well as being able to receive outstanding professional and personalized flight training, you can also get pilot and student pilot supplies,  flight reviews, instrument competency checks, multi-engine instruction and tailwheel training.

Mike says to come on by and say hello to the courteous staff.

Hours: Monday – Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (but you can usually find someone there before and after the official hours)

CONTACT -T: (818) 834-3972; F: (818) 834-5993

Letter from the Manager

Hello, I am John Frymyer, Whiteman Airport’s new airport manager.   I have been at WHP since March 24th, and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.  My background is a bit diverse.  I was a Fighter aircraft mechanic for about 20 years in the US Air Force.  I was also a war planner and ran contingency logistics operations for the USAF European Head Quarters.  I have a BS in professional aeronautics and am just one class shy of a Dual Master’s Degree in airport management and airport operations.   I am a retired USAF vet and lived in Europe for over 18 years.

I’ve been fortunate enough to meet a great many of you in just the first few weeks that I have been here, and I hope to be able to meet each and every tenant here on the airport as time permits.  My hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m.  to 5 p.m.  I hope we can all work together to get the most out of our community airport.

Now that the introductions are over, there are a few other items that I wish to discuss:

Illegal Dumping

I have seen a lot of illegal dumping on airport property.  I would like to enlist each of you to take note of who is doing this in an effort to help put a stop to it.  You can call the Airport Office at (818) 896-5271 and leave me an anonymous message with the license plate number, name or whatever info you have.  We need to stop illegal dumping so that the dumpsters remain available for legitimate airport usage.  Please help me stop the abuse.

Fair Warning

I have heard anonymous reports of night Helo ops/maintenance without someone in the cockpit, while the engine is at a high run-up speed.  Also, I have heard of high RPM Helo run-ups in the E-F Hangar Row.  In the interest of safety, I hope that we can eliminate things like this.  It would be tragic for a vehicle to come around a corner in those narrow rows and encounter a Helicopter blade.  Nighttime makes it even more dangerous. No aircraft should ever be run without someone at the controls - fixed or rotary.

It is my goal to have the best and safest airport in LA County, and I will need the help of each of you to make it happen.  Stop by and see me.  Together we are going to be unstoppable.

-John Frymyer, Airport Manager
T: 818-896-5271

Calendar of Events

Pacoima Business/Neighborhood Watch
3rd Thursday of each month

Whiteman Airport Association Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month @ Rocky’s
7:00 p.m.

Fire Extinguisher Servicing & Maintenance
Tuesday, April 15 @ Airport Office
(Turn-in deadline is Monday, April 14)

February Newsletter
From the Desk of the COO:

When I visit any airport, the one consistent observation that I have is that each airport is a special community, much like a family.  These families can be strong and supportive or they can be weak and divisive.  The latter is often the case, mainly due to the variety of opinions and personalities that exist among the family members.

It is AAC’s goal to develop a greater sense of community and stronger family ties at the airports
over the next year.  Better communication in the form of cooperative meetings with the different associations and airport constituencies is one method we plan on continuing.

In addition, we hope that each of you gets actively involved in the Adopt-A-School Program that AAC is kicking off this quarter.  We believe that many of you have experiences and skills that may ignite an interest in aviation in the mind of a young boy or girl, which could result in that child becoming a future pilot or airport manager.

Finally, we are just starting to develop a program that is modeled after Neighborhood Watch.  This program is a response to the September 11th attacks and your concerns about airport security.  General Aviation airports are difficult places to secure and require the efforts of the entire community.  The Airport Neighborhood Watch will necessitate everyone’s participation, and we will solicit many of you for ideas in an effort to create a model program.

These are some of the small steps AAC is taking this new year to create a better sense of community at all of our airports.  Our goal is to develop activities that foster greater interaction and communication.  Our hope is for a closer and happier family.

-Kris Thabit


Fuel Price Increase
Due to the higher cost of crude oil for our supplier, Chevron/Texaco, fuel prices for both 100LL and JetA increased 10 cents ($0.10) at our LA County Airports, effective February 13.

The current price of fuel at Whiteman Airport is now:

100LL - $2.52
JetA - $2.26

WHP Business Corner

WHP Business Corner
--Able Air Corporation--

Able Air Corporation started at San Fernando Airport in 1975, where it served the maintenance needs of flight schools, private owners and charter operators.

Able Air moved to Whiteman Airport in 1982, needing larger facilities for aircraft inspections, repairs and maintenance.

Please come and visit Steve Slonneger, Mark Hopley and Arturo Cueva.

Hours of Service: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Tues. – Sat.)
Telephone: (818) 899-7468
Fax: (818) 899-7460

During the rainy season - - check your tanks for water, rock the wings and check again!

Happy Flying!

Aviation Explorer Post 747, which is sponsored by the SF Valley 99s, will be having a fundraiser on Saturday, March 22 at Rocky’s from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.  Money earned from the fundraiser will be used to purchase pilot supplies and flight lessons.

Please bring the coupon/tear-off from a printed Airport Newsletter available in the airport office with you to the event and present it to the cashier at Rocky’s when you pay for your food and drinks.  The Explorers will receive a percentage of the profits.  If you have any questions, please call 818-896-8828.  Thanks for your support!

Letter from the Manager

Thank you to those of you who have stopped by the office and introduced yourselves.  I hope to meet more of you in the months to come.


Gate Cards

Effective March 15, the older style gate cards (yellow) will no longer work.  Everyone who has not been issued a new gate card is encouraged to stop by the Airport Office and make the exchange.

Also, as a reminder, the main gate locks at 7:00 p.m. nightly and requires a gate card to gain access.

• Adopt-A-School Program

Whiteman Airport is proud to announce its recent partnership with Pacoima Elementary School, which is located just a few minutes away at Van Nuys and Norris.

As our first adopt-a-school activity, AAC will be selling candy bars for $1/each in the Airport Office.  100% of the proceeds will be sent to Pacoima Elementary to help finance a field trip to Sea World for the 5th grade graduating class.

If you would like to get involved in this new program, please contact Erin in the Airport Office.  We thank you for your support!

• Assistant Manager – Here on Weekends

Effective this month, James Valdez, WHP's assistant manager, will be working Saturday – Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Please make note of his new schedule.

• Calendar of Events

Display Day is back at Whiteman Airport!  It will be held the second Sunday of each month.  Everyone is encouraged to participate.  The public is welcome to attend.


Scott Wardle
Interim Airport Manager

Calendar of Events

LA County Aviation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 @ 9:00 a.m.
Fox Field (661-940-1709)

WHP Aircraft Display Day
Sunday, March 9
Whiteman Airport

Breakfast Fly-In to French Valley Airport
Sunday, March 16 @ 9:30 a.m.
(meet at transient parking)
For info/reservations, call Don (818-782-1654)

WHP Neighborhood Watch Meeting
Thursday, March 20 @ 6:15 p.m.

WHP Association Meeting
Thursday, March 20 @ 7 p.m. (Rocky’s)

January Newsletter
From the Desk of the COO:

Each new year, we consider the past and look forward to the coming year, identifying changes that we would like to make in ourselves and in our community.

Typical resolutions include the following:

• Spend more time with friends and family
• Exercise more often / lose weight
• Quit smoking / drinking
• Enjoy life / learn something new
• Stop gossiping
• Get organized

In the spirit of the New Year, we too have identified a few resolutions for the coming year.

• Improve communication with our tenants
• Improve the training and quality of our staff
• Improve the level of service at our airports
• Become proactive and not reactive managers

Have you made any resolutions for the New Year?

-Kris Thabit



Beginning with the next edition of this newsletter, airport businesses will be allowed to place advertisements within the newsletter.

Businesses on the airport, whose accounts are in good standing, can place an ad for a nominal $15 fee.  Proceeds from these ads will be used to offset the cost of reproducing the newsletter.

For more information, please contact Airport Management.

WHP Business Corner

--Burbank Air Service--

Burbank Air Service, or “Hangar 31” as it is sometimes called, offers many aircraft maintenance and repair services here at Whiteman Airport.  BAS’s four mechanics, Glenn Roberts, Rick Crandall, Ron Gard and owner Ruben Piranian, perform 100hr, annual and pre-buy inspections.  Oxygen service, electrical troubleshooting and general repairs on most single and twin-engine aircraft are also available.

The business was actually started at Burbank Airport’s hangar 31 in 1988.  While there, the mechanics worked mostly on the Burbank Flying Club’s planes and other planes parked on the northside of the Airport.  In 1999, BAS moved to Whiteman Airport and built its present hangar…Hangar 31…keeping the company’s original name and hangar number.

BAS is open every day, except Sundays.  However, mechanics can be reached after hours and on Sundays on a pager.  The business features a clean and friendly atmosphere in addition to a nice pilot’s lounge, big screen TV, a bathroom and a shower.

Letter from the Manager

Thank you to those of you who have stopped by the office and introduced yourselves.  I hope to meet more of you in the months to come.


--- AAC has purchased a new F-150 airport service truck.

---The irrigation project along the main entrance and in front of the airport administration building has been completed.

---The airport recently received a good sweeping from the ramp sweeper.  This sweeper will be dedicated to Whiteman Airport in an effort to keep the sand and dust to a minimum.  Whiteman will be the only airport with a dedicated sweeper.

---AAC has purchased three radios for Whiteman Airport to use to monitor the airport Unicom for fuel calls.  You can also call the mobile fuel cell at 818-262-1313 to request fuel.

---We are looking into the possibility of installing a keypad at the main gate in addition to the card system.  The keypad code would be distributed to the airport tenants.  If anyone has any thoughts about this, we encourage your feedback.  We hope this will help reduce some of the illegal dumping that occurs at the airport over the weekends.

---Finally, we will be installing a memo distribution box at each entrance gate.  This box will be used to distribute memos, newsletters and other important airport information to all airport users.


Scott Wardle
Interim Airport Manager

Calendar of Events

--- Display Day @ Whiteman Airport
     Sunday, February 9 from 10-2pm

---WHP Association Meeting @ Rocky’s
-   Thursday, February 20 at 7 p.m.
   (Neighborhood Watch meeting at 6:15pm)

---WHP Association Air Rally @ Whiteman
    Saturday, February 8 (rain day 2/15)
    Contact Mike Martin, 818-645-4609
    Click here for details.

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