President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. There were 35 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.
Don welcomed everyone and announced
some important dates and times (listed below). He introduced the airport
manager, John Frymyer.
John discussed the following topics:
---Pilot Lounge almost done, would like input on naming the room. Waiting for swipe card system for entering room.
---Instructors and Mechanics on the field need to carry insurance and have all the permits needed to operate a business.
---U.S. Marshalls hangar is almost done, Argubright project will break ground soon, Don Goldman’s project will also start soon and Vista’s project might start at the end of the year.
---New entrance road should start Sept-Oct and should be completed by March ’05. It will take up more airport ground than first expected.
---Speeding on the airport has increased. Tickets will be issued
---We have 1 hangar open and 6 tiedowns available.
---EAA will have an airshow Sat. May 22 10-5
---Hangar inspections will start August 1.
---Landscaping looks dry because
the sprinkler system has been broken.
Suggestions from membership: Please check the mail bin in the office if you receive mail at the airport. There is a lot of undelivered mail in there.
Officers Reports:
• Dave Kolstad, gave the treasurer’s
report; we have $1750 in the treasury.
• Shellie Hagopian, gave the secretary’s
report – There are 156 paid members and an additional 131 on our mailing
list. We made $43 profit on our Hot Dog BBQ on Display Day
• Social/PR Chairman, Ruth Logan,
reported that June 18-19 the 99’s will have an overnight campover in Oceano
and June 26 will be VNY open house.
• Vice-President, Bill Fenimore,
who is working on our newsletter, again, asked for input for the newsletter,
such as personal stories and other club information (EAA, 99’s) Since his
request from last month, he has received zero input. Please call
or email him with info.
• Bill Fenimore also reported for
Bill Logan , membership chairman, that although our membership is strong,
we only have 25% of the tenants on the field . Please help us to
recruit your airport friends and neighbors.
GUEST SPEAKER- President Hagopian
then introduced our Guest Speaker, Richard Kornfeld, JPL Mars Rover
Mission Specialist. He is also an instrument rated pilot.
He started with “Why Mars?”
The main goal of the mission is looking for the existence of water.
He presented an audio-visual presentation showing photos of the rovers
(SPIRIT and OPPORTUNITY) and what they carried onboard: Cameras, infrared
camera, microscopic imaging, drilling equipment, etc. He then showed
a life-like animated movie of how the rover was launched, its landing and
how it was deployed. It was really interesting and for more info:
www.jpl@nasa.com We will have a few snapshots of
the presentation on our website shortly. He then answered questions
from the audience.
Winners of the 50/50 Drawing
and Door Prizes:
50/50 winner – Jerry Hider
10 gallons of fuel (donated by
Whiteman Airport) – Cliff Busick
10 gallons of fuel (donated by
Whiteman Airport) – Bill Schirmer
Bottle of Aeroshell Plexicoat (donated
by Shell) – Jerry Hider
Bottle of Aeroshell Plexicoat (donated
by Shell) – John Marshall
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm.
Dates to Remember:
Sun – Jun 6 – Santa Paula Display
Day- We will meet for breakfast at 9:15 at airport cafe
Thurs. Jun 10 – Task Force Meeting
– 9AM
Sun. June 13 – WHP-Display Day
& Hot Dog BBQ
Thurs. Jun 17 – Whiteman Airport
Association Meeting @7PM, Rocky’s
Sun .June 20 – Brackett Display
Day – 10-2
Respectfully Submitted,
Shellie Hagopian, Secretary,
Whiteman Airport Association