The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Mike Martin. There were 44 people present. Again Rockys donated their banquet room for our meeting.
Mike Martin welcomed everyone and reported that Display Day was a success, with 35 airplanes displayed and one flying Volkswagon, and 70 hot dogs eaten. He also reported as to what went on at the Aviation Commission Meeting. The 4.5% increase in hangar rent, due to our protests, was lowered to 3.7% instead. Also, word that the County police would be patrolling the airport twice a day, just to show some kind of police presence. The county assured us that the officers would be trained as to what they can and cannot do. Mike the fielded some questions from the audience. He then introduced our airport manager, John Frymyer.
John discussed that the beacon had finally been repaired and seemed to be lasting this time. He said some work was being done to clean up the landscaping. He also stated that he had some issues with what was said by our members at the Commission Meeting. He mentioned that there were people on the airport with missing or expired tags, they were abandoned vehicles on the field, and some businesses were being run without licenses or insurance. He also stated that some of the dumpsters were removed before he started working here. He reported that if a porta pottie was needed somewhere, he would add one. We only have 20 tie-downs left, without disturbing the Display area. Authorization Passes were ready and please come and get one from the office. Sept 20 there will be an AirFair Put on by the optimists and EAA. Also, if your hangar needs maintenance, please call the office. Then John took questions from the group.
Shellie Hagopian got five bids for portable office units to be used as the pilot lounge, and submitted them to Ted Gustin at the last Commission meeting.
Also, our next regular membership meeting will be Thursday, July 17, at 7pm.
Dave Kolstad was in charge of the
50/50 drawing. We also had our door prize drawing. Winners were:
Rony Lidor - 50/50 winner
Bud Swartz 10 gallons of fuel
donated by Whiteman Airport
Dean Rankin -10 gallons of fuel
donated by Whiteman Airport
Clic Can of Plexus Plexiglass
cleaner Donated by Plexus through Dave Snyder
Jeanne Fenimore Can of Plexus
Plexiglass cleaner Donated by Plexus through Dave Snyder
Ron- Book
J.L. Lisa - Book
Then, a video from AOPA was played for those who wanted to see it. Subject- Airport Watch Program. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Dates to Remember:
July 13 WHP Display Day
July 17 Next General Meeting
July 26 Kenville Fly-Out
Respectfully Submitted,
Hagopian, Secretary
Whiteman Airport Association