President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. There were 25 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.
Don welcomed everyone and announced some important dates and times (listed below). He introduced Joel Lathon, tower manager. He talked about checking for TFR’s before flight. He took questions from the audience.
Don, then introduced the airport
manager, John Frymyer.
John discussed the following topics:
---Task Force met and have changed
the meetings to every six months.
---U.S. Marshalls hangar is almost
---New entrance road should start
Sept-Oct and should be completed by March ’05. It will take
up more airport ground than first expected.
---Security cameras are all in
place and running.
---A slightly different approach
policy is now in effect for after the tower is closed.
---Parts came in for the self-righting
wind tee*
---We are adding some tiedowns
that will slightly reduce the car traffic corridor.
---3 projects are in the works:
Feldstad=20 hangars; Goldman= 8 hangars; Vista=39 T-hangars & 6 square
---As stated in the new newsletter,
hangar inspections will be starting. Things we’re looking for are;
Aircraft, insurance for a/c and no fire hazards.
(*We need volunteers to help finish it.)
Officers Reports:
• Vice-President, Bill Fenimore, said there were some changes in the website, such as a quick link to TFR’s. Also, regarding membership, present members should encourage new membership.
GUEST SPEAKER- President Hagopian then introduced our Guest Speaker, John “Dusty” Rhodes from Vista Aviation. To discuss maintenance an owner can or can’t do and what paperwork is needed. He talked about some maintenance projects you can do, but must first be taught how to do it by a mechanic. Also you must have the maintenance manual for your airplane open while doing items. If you change your seatbelts that must be FAA approved. He also mentioned that the airworthiness certificate must be the original, not a photocopy. Also, needed is an up-to-date compass correction card on your panel. He also mentioned certain placards such as Operating Limitation and Grade and quantity of fuel placards must be visible. Also you must have a current equipment list for your aircraft and many, many more great tips for Aircraft Owners. There were too many to mention here. He also took many questions from the group and we could have gone on for hours. Very informative! Thanks , Dusty.
Winners of the 50/50 Drawing
and Door Prizes:
50/50 winner – Paul Nefas
10 gallons of fuel (donated by
Whiteman Airport) – Bill Logan
10 gallons of fuel (donated by
Whiteman Airport) – Randy Bennett
Bottle of Aeroshell Plexicoat (donated
by Shell) – George Brogan
Bottle of Aeroshell Plexicoat (donated
by Shell) – Sol Bruck
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.
Dates to Remember:
Sun – Jun 20 – Brackett Display
Day – 10-2
Sun – Jun 27 El Monte Display
Day – 10-2
Sun. July 11 – WHP-Display Day
& Hot Dog BBQ
Thurs - July 15 – Whiteman Airport
Association Meeting @7PM, Rocky’s
Aug 7 & Sept 11 – Catalina
BBQ at airport
Respectfully Submitted,
Shellie Hagopian, Secretary,
Whiteman Airport Association