Whiteman Airport Association


President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. There were 30 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.

Don welcomed everyone and announced some important dates and times (listed below).  He then introduced our airport manager, John Frymyer.

John discussed the following topics:
--Gate is now only open with gate cards, also, modification has been made to gate to stop tailgaters
--Pilot Lounge is being started
--Installing new tie-downs on back-ramp
--Is anyone interested in a canopy-type outdoor tie-down
--Moving 5 hangars near Albatross to other locations
--2nd Monday was safety meeting, only 3 people attended
--Still looking for safe options for the blast fence idea
--Better reels on gas pumps are being installed

John then took questions from the audience.

Joel Lathon, tower manager, talked about different clearances to Class C airspace and took questions from the audience.  Tower tours are available when the alert level is below orange. Appointments and photo ID’s are required.

Officers Reports:
Vice-President, Bill Fenimore, reported that Bill Logan has agreed to be the Temporary Membership Chairman.  Bill’s idea of a Hangar/Bumper Sticker was passed at the Board Meeting.  They were already printed and were passed out at the meeting.

Dave Kolstad gave the treasurer’s report – We have $1100 in our checking account. 2004 dues are now payable.

Shellie Hagopian, gave the secretary’s report – There are 128 paid members and an additional 140 on our mailing list.  The Logans and Fenimores were in charge of the Display Day BBQ and made a profit of $20 along with some fun and camaraderie.  They also signed up 6 new members.

Flyout suggestions were proposed such as: Tulare and French Valley and possibly a Pancake Breakfast here on a Display Day.

Winners of the 50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes:

50/50 winner – Jeremy Bishop
10 gallons of fuel (donated by Whiteman Airport) -  Lisa Gelber
10 gallons of fuel (donated by Whiteman Airport) – Tony Gonzalez
Keychain (donated by the Hagopians) – Linda Worden

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20.

Dates to Remember:
Wed. Jan 28 – Aviation Commission Meeting at Compton @ 9AM
Sun. Feb 1 – Breakfast Fly-out to Santa Paula meet 9am at fuel pit
Sun. Feb 8 – Display Day  10-2 Hot Dog BBQ – Come support your club and meet fellow pilots.
Mon. Feb 9 – WHP Safety Meeting 12 noon
Thurs. Feb 19– Whiteman Airport Association  Regular Meeting –Fire Extinguisher Demo
Thurs. March 11 – Task Force Meeting 9:30am

Respectfully Submitted,

Shellie Hagopian, Secretary
Whiteman Airport Association

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