Whiteman Airport Association


President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. There were 32 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.

Don welcomed everyone and announced some important dates and times (listed below).  He then introduced our airport manager, John Frymyer.

John discussed the following topics.
Gate is now only open with gate cards
Other gates are closed between 9PM – 5AM
Pilot Lounge almost done
We have a new fuel truck
New hose reels will be installed shortly
Hangar inspections are coming
Still looking for safe options for the blast fence idea
We are exploring the possibility of one newsletter for all 5 airports
Six hangars are available (no power)
Wind Tee parts are on order

Officers Reports:
Vice-President, Bill Fenimore mentioned our website (whpsafety.org) and that a lot of information and good links are on the site.  He also told members to encourage more people to attend meetings and to join the organization and have their problems heard as a group. Our Membership Chairman came up with the membership hangar sticker that you see around the airport . We encourage you to display them to show unity.

Treasurer, Dave Kolstad gave the treasurer’s report – We have $1200 in our checking account. 2004 dues are now payable.

Shellie Hagopian, gave the secretary’s report – There are 138 paid members and an additional 131 on our mailing list. Also, we sent out letters to get members to pay their 2004 dues and another letter went out to the mailing list to encourage them to become members,also.

Then, everyone went outside to see John Frymyer give a fire extinguisher demonstration.  He set one gallon of 100LL on fire and  taught everyone the proper technique for putting it out.  It was very informative.

Social/PR Chairman, Ruth Logan, reported that next Display Day, March 14, if you eat at Rock’ys between 9-6, our club receives 20%.  Make sure you get a form from Ruth or tell the restaurant so that we get credit. Also. SFV 99’s are having a fly-out to Oceano on Feb 22(weather date Feb 28) to see butterflies  or ATV riding and lunch.  ETA in Oceano is 10AM call 989-0081 for info. Also, Saturday, March 20, the Aviation Explorers are going to have Stearman rides for $25. And Saturday , March 27 there will be a flying companion seminar for $60 includes lunch at VNY.


Winners of the 50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes:
50/50 winner – Solomon Bruck
10 gallons of fuel (donated by Whiteman Airport) -  Jeanne Fenimore
10 gallons of fuel (donated by Whiteman Airport) – Solomon Bruck
Travel Mug  (donated by the Agua Dulce Airpark) – Rony Lidor
Hat (donated by the Agua Dulce Airpark) – J.L. Lisa
$10 Gift Certificate to San Val(donated by Steve at San Val)

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10.

Following the meeting, a safety video was shown and most people stayed to watch it.

Dates to Remember:
Wed. Feb 25 – Aviation Commission Meeting at Brackett @ 9AM
Mon. Mar 8– WHP Safety Meeting 12 noon
Sun. Mar 14 – Display Day  10-2 Come support your club, eat at Rocky’s all day and the club gets 20%.  Get a form from Ruth Logan or tell the restaurant so that we get credit.
Thurs. March 18– Whiteman Airport Association  Regular Meeting
Thurs. March 11 – Task Force Meeting 9:30am

Respectfully Submitted,

Shellie Hagopian, Secretary
Whiteman Airport Association

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