Whiteman Airport Association


President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, with 31 people present. Again, Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.

Don Hagopian welcomed everyone to an abbreviated meeting so we could get to our guest speaker and announced some important dates (listed below).  He also passed out an information sheet on how to help out our neighbor airport, Agua Dulce.

Don then introduced the manager at WHP, John Frymyer, who updated us on what was happening.
The following is a list of things discussed.
1. Do your part to help out Agua Dulce
2. March meeting there will be a fire extinguisher demo
3. February 15th accident with no injuries
4. We have been filling in the edges of the runway and taxiways
5. We will be updating some of the bathrooms
6. EAA and Optimists and WHP will hold their annual Air Fair May 21, 2005.  They are pooling their efforts into one function.
7. Wind Tee almost done and is ready to move, wind sock has been moved to accommodate it
8. 99’s will hold their annual Poker Run on April 9
9. Commissioners Meeting will be at Brackett 10am 2/23/05
10. Girl Scouts will have an aviation day here in October
11. There will be a Cirrus Expo March 25 & 26
John Frymyer then took a few questions from the audience.

Dave Kolstad, Treasurer, gave his report. Checking account, after some expenses, $1,566.17.
Dave also reported on the Air Rallye to be held on April 2 (weather back-up April 16) Meet at WHP at the park benches in the morning and you will be given the route with checkpoints.  You will then have to figure out how long and how much fuel you will use; closest calculation wins the prizes.  Faster planes take off first.  Further info will follow.

Shellie Hagopian, Secretary, gave her report.  187 members and 108 on auxiliary mailing list.
2005 dues are now payable; still $10 per year.

Bill Fenimore, Vice-President, commended the Hagopians on their dedication to making the Display Days such a success with great Hot Dogs.

Treasurer, Dave Kolstad, was in charge of the 50/50 drawing. We then had our door prize drawing.  Winners were:
50/50 winner  - Solomon Bruck
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – John Clausen
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Jeff Field
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Peter Albiez
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Paul Nefas
1-Quart Oil – donated by Whiteman Airport – Duane Swanson
Cellular Pilot Book – donated by Cellular Pilot – Ed Strucke
Plexi-Polish – donated by Aeroshell – Joey Bennett

The meeting was adjourned around 7:30. We then had our Guest Speaker from the FAA, Steve Shakleford with the topic: Winter Flying and Icing.
Steve started off by mentioning that the Flight Service Stations will be cutting its force significantly.  When you get a weather briefing across the country, make sure you are talking to someone local to that part of the country.  He also stated the importance of checking for TFR’s.  They are a way of life now.  He then began his talk on Icing. He also showed a video on how a chain of bad weather advice could adversely affect a pilot’s decision-making when flying in bad weather that led to a deadly crash.    He brought in an actual wing of an airplane that had been stuffed with dry ice to demonstrate how ice accumulates just because the cold attracts whatever moisture is in the air not even needing added precipitation.  And then the reaction when added precipitation is introduced.  It was an impressive hands-on demonstration. He even had audience members participate in some of the demo.  He also passed out a quiz for us to take, the person with the lowest score got the “Twinkie Award”( an actual twinkie cake, and boy, was it tasty).   Moral to this story:  Don’t fly if the weather is bad or turn around and get out of it quickly.  Everyone enjoyed the Talk and Demo.


Saturday, February 19 - EAA Meeting at Rocky’s at 9:30 am
Sunday, February 20 – Display Day at Brackett 10-2
Wednesday, February 23 – Brackett 10am - The Aviation Commission Meeting.
Sunday, February 27 – Display Day at El Monte 10-2
Saturday, March 12 – Fly Out to French Valley Airport for breakfast (meet 10am at French Valley)
Sunday, March 13 - Display Day at WHP 10-2
Thursday, March 17 – Whiteman Airport Association Meeting 7pm, FAA Icing Demo
Saturday March 26 – EAA Young Eagles at WHP 10:30am
Wednesday, March 30 – Fox 9am - The Aviation Commission Meeting
Saturday, April 2 – WAA Air Rallye
Saturday, April 9 – 99’s Poker Run
Sunday, April 10  – Display Day at WHP 10-2
Wednesday, April 27 – El Monte 10am - The Aviation Commission Meeting
Thursday, June 8 – Task Force Meeting 9am @ airport office

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE – whpsafety.org

Respectfully Submitted,
Shellie Hagopian, Secretary
Whiteman Airport Association

The Whiteman Airport Association general meeting in February drew an enthusiastic crowd to hear guest speaker Mr. John Shakelford. The subject was "Winter Flying - Demonstration of Wing Icing". He's seen above with Association President Don Hagopian (left) and Vice President Bill Fenimore (right).  Mr. Shakelford brought an actual wing section that he chilled with dry ice to demonstrate how ice is formed. He explained the different kinds of ice and the flying conditions that produce them.  Most members agreed the presentation was both interesting and very educational.

Your association plans to have many more top-notch speakers at our meetings. Plan to attend on the third Thursday of each month.

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