The tax exemption Requirements:
35 year old Aircraft.
Not for commercial use.
12 displays per year.
File before Feb.15 with your proof
of display forms and $35.00 Check one time fee.
After the first year, file before
Feb.15 with your proof of display forms, no fee necessary.
The Whiteman Airport has a display day the 2nd sunday of the month in transit parking.10 am to 2pm, you can receive a display day proof of display certificate from the WAA booth or airport office.
Also, Santa Paula Airport's display day is the 1st Sunday of the month, you can receive a display day proof of display certificate from their booth.
Also, Brackett Airport's display day is the 3rd Sunday of the month, you can receive a display day proof of display certificate from their booth. Yvonne 626-576-8692
For more Information come
to Whiteman
Airport Associatioin meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7pm in the
airport terminal building, where you can get the form in person or
the County of Los Angeles. Office of the Assessor . 500 West Temple
Room 225, Los Angeles, CA90012-2770 - Phone 213- 974-3481 - Email
Web Site:
Don Hagopian
President, Whiteman Airport Association