Whiteman Airport Association


The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm ,by Vice-President Don Hagopian, with 62 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.

Don Hagopian announced that
1. The Aviation Commission Meeting is going to be at Fox Wednesday, Aug 27th at 7:00 pm.
2. Sunday, September 14 is the next Display Day
3. Thursday September 18th is our next regular membership meeting
4. Saturday, September 20 is the AirFair at WHP.

Carolyn from the Optimist Club announced the AirFair is a joint effort of the Optimists and the EAA.  There will be booths and plane rides for kids.  Also anyone wanting to display his or her aircraft on that day is welcome.

It was voted on to cancel regular display day for Sept 14 in deference to the Sept 20th Day (but after the meeting we were told that Display Day is listed in several flying newspapers as a standing display day and therefore cannot be cancelled, so it will remain on Sept 14 as well.)

Shellie Hagopian then offered changes to the existing bylaws.  Motion was made to notify all members of the proposed changes as well as a copy of the existing bylaws and the proposed changes would be voted on at the October meeting.  After some discussion, the motion passed.

Next a motion was made to postpone the nominations of Officers to September’s meeting.  After brief discussion, the motion passed.

Don Hagopian then introduced the manager at WHP, John Frymyer, who updated us on what was happening.
The following is a list of things discussed.
1. Many cars are parked illegally on the airport with no tags or outdated ones.  They will be towed.
2. Dashboard tags will be replaced with decals at $5.00 each
3. Wednesday, September 24 at 7pm, the Aviation Commission Meeting will be held here at Whiteman with a member of Zev Yaroslavsky’s staff will be on hand to hear first hand what the problems are here at Whiteman.  Please attend.
4. American Airports wants to host a BBQ for WHP maybe in October.
John Frymyer then took a few questions from the audience.

Don Hagopian announced that our next regular membership meeting would be Thursday, Sept 18, at 7pm.  There will be nominations for Officers.

Treasurer, Dave Kolstad, was in charge of the 50/50 drawing. We then had our door prize drawing.  Winners were:
Ron Lisberg - 50/50 winner
Mitch Thompson – 10 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport
Bob Wachsmuth -10 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport
Mark Hickman – Aircraft Polish (donation procured by Dave Snyder)
Cliff Busick – Aircraft Polish (donation procured by Dave Snyder)
Randy Bennett - Book

The meeting was adjourned around 8:45. Those wanting to see the Safety Video, did so after the meeting.

      Respectfully Submitted,

      Shellie Hagopian, Secretary
      Whiteman Airport Association

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