Whiteman Airport Association


President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, with 28 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.

Don Hagopian welcomed everyone to the meeting and then announced some important dates (listed below).  He also reported that the pilot lounge has a combination lock on the door and the combination is (135000*)or(125135*) also an AOPA seminar will be at Van Nuys May 12 on “Weather Wise”.
Don then introduced the manager at WHP, John Frymyer, who updated us on what was happening.  The following is a list of things discussed.
1. Road should be finished by May 15 or they will be fined.
2. EAA, Optimists, American Airports and the Traveling Space Museum will have the WHP Air Fair on Saturday May 21 starting 9am.
3. Saturday night, there was a gear up landing, no one was hurt.
4. The 20 hangar unit is almost done and few have moved in already. County hangars should be available soon.
5. People not using their hangars for a valid airplane will be asked to vacate.
6. WHP will be getting a new fuel system, hopefully one that will not be down as much.
7. In answer to questions on wind tee, work has stopped, WAA has dropped the ball.
John Frymyer then took a few questions from the audience.

Frank Damato stated that a group SMO EVAC Search and rescue  was being formed and they are looking for pilots to volunteer.  They are working directly with City Fire Departments and for more information call Frank at 818-421-9825.

Dave Kolstad, Treasurer, gave his report on the Air Rallye held on April 2 . In the morning, participants were given the route with checkpoints and 1.5 hours to figure out how long and how much fuel they will use. First Place went to Jeremy Bishop, member of our club, and Third place went to Kathy and Ed Smithers, also members of our club.
Winner Jeremy Bishop was at the meeting and reported how much fun the Rallye was.

Shellie Hagopian, Secretary, gave her report.  213 members and 107 on auxiliary mailing list.
2005 dues are now payable, still $10 per year.

Vice-President Bill Fenimore stated the importance of recruiting more members.  He also asked people to step forward to volunteer to finish the wind tee.  We also need more people to get involved in any way to support our airport here.

Treasurer, Dave Kolstad, was in charge of the 50/50 drawing. We then had our door prize drawing.  Winners were:
 50/50 winner  - Jeremy Bishop
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Jim Benson
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Sol Bruck
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – John Clausen
5 gallons of fuel donated by Whiteman Airport – Rob Carlson
1-Quart Oil – donated by Whiteman Airport – Frank Damato
Cellular Pilot Book – donated by Cellular Pilot – Tony Gonzalez
Plexi-Polish – donated by Aeroshell – Igaal Barak

Member, Peter Albiez, talked to Elliott Sanders of VNY PROP who had talked to Barry the owner of Agua Dulce.  By minor concessions with the neighbors, things are working out better and things at the airport are going to remain the same.  Peter also mentioned that the FAA FSDO was looking for input on minor changes to the local charts.  Any corrections , additions, or changes should be passed on to the Van Nuys FSDO.

The meeting was adjourned around 7:45pm.  After adjournment, a safety video on Emergency Procedures was shown.  Almost everyone stayed to see it. Good information.

Saturday, April 23- VNY Prop meeting and Barbeque at Syncro
Wednesday, April 27 – El Monte 10am - The Aviation Commission Meeting.
Sunday, May 8  – Display Day at WHP 10-2
Sunday, May 15– Breakfast Fly-Out & Display Day at Brackett 10-2
Saturday May 21 – EAA, Optimists, American Airports and Traveling Space Museum, Air Fair & Young Eagles at WHP, starting at 9am
Wednesday, May 25–The Aviation Commission Meeting- WHP 7pm
Sunday, May 22 – Display Day at El Monte 10-2
Saturday, May 29 – EAA Young Eagles 10:30am
Thursday, June 9 – Task Force Meeting 9am @ airport office
Sunday, June 12  – Display Day at WHP 10-2
CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE – whpsafety.org

Respectfully Submitted,
Shellie Hagopian, Secretary
Whiteman Airport Association

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