President Don Hagopian called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. There were 29 people present. Again Rocky’s donated their banquet room for our meeting.
Don welcomed everyone and announced some important dates and times (listed below). He introduced the Tower Manager, Joel Lathon. Joel announced that tours of the tower were available for U.S. Citizens with photo ID. For tours call 896-5555. He took questions from the audience.
Don then introduced our airport
manager, John Frymyer.
John discussed the following topics.
Wind Tee parts are in and Don Goldman
will be working on fixing it.
Wind socks were replaced
Pilot Lounge almost done
Lounge will have wireless internet
We’re out of tiedowns
Suggestions from membership:
Chocks at the fuel pumps, receipts should be kept up
Officers Reports:
Dave Kolstad, gave the treasurer’s
report; we have $1352 in the treasury.
Shellie Hagopian, gave the secretary’s
report – There are 153 paid members and an additional 131 on our mailing
Social/PR Chairman, Ruth Logan,
reported that Display Day, April 11, had 16 airplanes register.
Vice-President, Bill Fenimore,
who is working on our newsletter, asked for input for the newsletter, such
as personal stories and other club information(EAA, 99’s) Please call or
email him with info.
Ray Davids, reporter with Van Nuys Aviation and Business Journal, is doing a story on WHP and would like input on the history of the airport.
Winners of the 50/50 Drawing
and Door Prizes:
50/50 winner – Ruth Logan
10 gallons of fuel (donated by
Whiteman Airport) – Marc Hickman
10 gallons of fuel (donated by
Whiteman Airport) – John Marshall
Bottle of Aeroshell Plexicoat (donated
by Shell) – Jerry Leikwold
Bottle of Aeroshell Plexicoat (donated
by Shell) – Lynn Barker
$5 Gift Certificate to San Val
(donated by Steve at San Val) – Tony Gonzalez
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.
Following the meeting, a safety
video was shown and 16 people stayed to watch it.
Dates to Remember:
May 7-10 – B17 at Synchro VNY
Sun - May 9 – WHP Display Day-
Thurs. May 20 – Whiteman Airport
Association Meeting – 7PM Speaker: JPL Mars Rover Team
Sat. May 22 – Young Eagles
– Traveling Air Museum
Wed May 26 – Aviation Commission
Meeting - @Whiteman –7PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Shellie Hagopian, Secretary,
Whiteman Airport AssociationOF THE MEETING – 3/18/04